
Boston’s South End: Breakfast, Brunch and People Serving Drinks in Their Pajamas

As you may have learned from our last get together, I’m all about taking it easy and not stressing too much about having a real “itinerary” on the weekend. But, as this whole blog is dedicated to, you know, giving you an itinerary of things to do in all of Boston’s neighborhoods. So, I decided to actually get up, get dressed and head out to my old stomping grounds, Boston’s South End. (But, don’t worry. I’m gonna keep the not-drinking-and-eating stuff to a minimum.) Here’s the breakdown:


1. Morning: Breakfast at South End Buttery
2. Noon: Franklin Park Zoo (weather permitting)
3. Afternoon: SoWa Market
4. Evening: Dinner at Anchovies


As I said, just a few years ago, I used to call the South End home. And, honestly, after having lived in almost every neighborhood in Boston, there really is no place in the city more beautiful than the South End in the summer. (So, it’s a little unfortunate that we’re taking you there in March. But, still!) And, as the resident gay dude in the group, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the South End has often been called Boston’s “gayborhood.” A few years ago, it was home to several bars and restaurants that catered to the LGBT community. However, the area between Clarendon and Mass Ave has seen a lot of changes lately. Single men with small dogs and pairs of ladies with large dogs have gradually given way to wobbly, wailing children in $450 outfits. But, like the dogs they’ve replaced, they’re still on leashes. And, as the city’s growing number of young, monied married couples came looking for the perfect condo a stone’s throw from their job in the Financial District, the South End became the perfect destination. As such, many of the “old haunts” from the LGBT community have shut their doors. Fritz, for instance, the city’s only sports bar for the LGBT community, used to be favorite watering hole for my flag football league. (Interestingly, the league has since relocated to Dorchester and adopted a “non LGBT bar,”  The Blarney Stone, as its new haunt. You may remember it from Diana’s tour of Dot a couple weeks ago.) closed shop just last month with plans to reopen under new management and cater to a “more diverse” crowd. So, RIP Fritz…

But, time marches on and, if you head just up the street (Clarendon), you’ll find the latest iteration of one of the South End’s most popular coffee shops – South End Buttery. With a smaller layout and menu than its flagship location at 314 Shawmut Ave (also in the South End), the Clarendon location boasts a salted hot chocolate that the staff deem the very best in Boston. And, after sampling it for myself, I’m inclined to believe ’em.

Making Hot Chocolate
(The process…)

(…the product.)

Moving on down the road, you run into what has long been the main drag (sorry… too easy) of the South End – Tremont Street.

IMG_20140311_211619(The sun shines on the South End.)

If you hang a right and head up the street – and it’s between 11am and 3pm on a Sunday – you pretty much have to stop by Tremont 647, which sits directly beside (and is connected to) its sibling, Sister Sorel, and offers the best thing in the entire world for a lazy guy like me who hates getting dressed but still loves a good mimosa…. Pajama Brunch. Because, whether your there to eat, drink or serve it all up – pajamas are the uniform of the day.

IMG_20140309_134330248(Two restaurants. One mean mimosa.)

I stopped in, pulled up a seat at the bar and watched my bartender (decked out in an understated but elegant plaid number) serve up a killer Sunday morning pickmeup with juuuust the right about of booze and a whole bunch of freshly squeezed OJ.

Then, it was time to eat. And, after a brief wait – which was, of course, spent nursing another mimosa – out came the best server in the world, Jimmy, with a plateful of the South End’s best huevos rancheros. Seriously… throw on your pj’s (it’s definitely encouraged) and get the hell over there this Sunday! Best brunch in Boston.

IMG_20140309_135213782_HDR~2(Get to know this man. And that plate of food.)

Once you’ve had your fill of breakfast food and booze, even a lazy layabout like me can’t resist getting out and getting a better look at the neighborhood. And, with spring and then summer on its way, I’m going to time travel just a bit… and suggest that if you’re in the between May and October, you better get your butt to the SoWa Open Market.

SoWa Market

With literally dozens of permanent and pop-up shops selling their wares down on Harrison Avenue, you can literally walk around all afternoon and still not see everything there is to offer. From antiques to food trucks (for the love of God, track down the Cookie Monstah truck), the utterly “everything and the kitchen sink”-ness of it all has to be seen to believed. (I’m pretty sure you can buy a kitchen sink there, too.) There’s also a ton of up-and-coming shops and designers to check out including the man you met earlier, Jimmy Bishai, whose line of 80’s inspired clothes and watches called Watchout! has gotten a lot of attention in the Boston fashion and business scene. If watches aren’t your bag, I’m sure you can find something else. Like… literally anything else. Check it out.

So, after that uncharacteristic fit of physical activity, it’s time for dinner. And, though the South End boasts an incredible list of incredible places to get your grub on, there’s a tiny, hole-in-the-wall kinda place with the most amazing Italian nachos you have ever or will ever experience – Anchovies.


With an impressive beer and wine list and a menu full of hearty, rich Italian food, this place isn’t Atkins friendly. But, it’s pretty damn friendly to folks who want to eat some of the best Italian food this side of the North End. The wait can get close to an hour on Friday and Saturday nights. But, Sunday tends to be just slightly less packed – unless the Pats are playing or the Red Sox are in the playoffs. Then it’s every man for himself. But, again, those nachos!


Again, for my money, in the summer – when the sun is shining the patio-dining options are plentiful – there really is no place in Boston as beautiful as the South End. So, as the temperatures (FINALLY) start ticking up the thermometer, make some time to head over and check it out. My suggestion? Make it a Sunday and bring your pajamas.

My work week is scheduled down to the second – from sun-up to way after sundown. If I’m not at work or in class, I’m sneaking in some time at the gym. So, I make sure my weekends are shot on structure and long on leisure. Whether it’s grabbing last minute tickets to a standing room only show at the Middle East or just hanging out at a great, undiscovered bar, I’ll show you how to kick back and relax all over the city.

#trivia #music #LGBT #film #awesomebar