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Sunday in Southie: Eat, Drink… Repeat

Well, 2013 was an interesting time in South Boston. The neighborhood we know as Southie enjoyed a brief and, let’s face it, pretty unfortunate few minutes in the national spotlight last year, spawning not one but two of the very worst, most embarrassing indictments against humanity “reality” shows on tv. (Mercifully, neither seems to have been renewed for the 2014 season.) On a more hopeful note, Hollywood seems to have loftier goals for Southie, with two films set to start filming here in the next few months. (Though neither seem likely to elevate South Boston’s national reputation as a hardscrabble crime den.) But, none of that is the South Boston I recognize. The thing nobody tells you about Southie is just how livable and suburban it feels despite being a part of Boston proper. Though the high rise towers of Back Bay and Copley Square peer down silently from the other side of I-93, South Boston retains the kind of quasi-Norman Rockwellian charm of small town America. So, I wanted to put together a real, lazy guy’s guide to having a perfect Sunday in Southie.

First, though, as you may have gleaned from our bio page, my whole “deal” around here is that I like to keep things simple. Between a full time job, a part time MBA program and long term relationship (that’s getting dangerously close to “where’s the ring” territory), my weekdays are pretty regimented. So, I like to keep my weekends as devoid of structure as I possibly can. So, though I give major props to those who like to get out there and seize the living shit out the day during the weekend, that just ain’t my style. (For instance, just reading Alex’s recap of his Kenmore expedition wore me out. I could, however, probably get onboard with the pub crawl. Though, how can a blog made by BU MBA students put together an impromptu bar crawl through Kenmore/Fenway and not include Cornwall’s? Sacrilege!) So, my version of a great day out won’t include a trip to a museum or any attempt at becoming a more well-rounded, self-actualized human being. Instead, I’m going to tell you how to eat amazing food, find a great beer and where to watch whichever of Boston’s myriad world-beating pro teams are playing that Sunday. Sound good? Great. Join me, won’t you?

1. Morning: Sleep in like the good Lord intended
2. Late Morning:
Brunch at Local 149
3. Afternoon:
Lunch and a game at Stats
4. Evening:
Dinner at Lincoln

There is really no reason to get out of bed, well, at all on Sundays. (Blankets are warm. I have a tv right there. I mean, c’mon.) But, if I absolutely have to (and this happens pretty much every Sunday, which is really annoying) I like to leave all the work to someone else. Namely the work involved in feeding myself. Luckily, I live in Southie, which is a pretty great place find a great meal.

After I muster up the strength to wash up, throw on some clothes and head out into the world, my favorite place to grab brunch (because, let’s be honest, by this point it’s probably 1:30pm or so) is Local 149. It’s located a few blocks off of Broadway – just far enough to keep its status as a relatively hidden gem – and offers a killer brunch menu. My recommendation? Chicken and Waffles.


Chicken ‘n Waffles – Southie Style

As a recovering Southerner (Georgia), chicken and waffles have definitely made a dinnertime appearance at several of my most favorite get togethers. But, Local gives it a nice twist that elevates it from being a novelty and into something totally their own. If that’s a little too heavy, you kinda can’t go wrong with the pancakes. Oh, and since this is me and brunch is nothing without a little booze, order up a bit of The Antidote and thank me later.

Now, even though I’ve been pretty militant about keeping things low-energy on Sundays, I do believe in a healthy lifestyle. That’s why, for the next stop on the itinerary, I suggest that you walk the half mile or so between Local 149 and our next stop, Stats. (That is, once you’ve had a couple drinks and, you know, are ready for your next meal. And even then, I mean, just call a cab. Who needs that kind of hassle, right?) You’ll find Stats tucked right in the crook of the road where Broadway becomes West Broadway. Like Local 149, it’s popular with the locals, so be prepared to wait in line on game day. The décor is pretty standard for a sports bar if I’m being absolutely honest. You can catch pretty much any sporting event on the planet on one of the dozen or so HD flatscreens that form a tight, digital rind around the top of the bar. But, there’s something about the location, the locals and the atmosphere that makes this place special. If you’ve timed your day just right, you’ll be hungry enough to take on their signature dish, the Pretzel Crusted Chicken Sandwich.

After an afternoon spent yelling at the screen and dropping your R’s, it’s time for dinner. Luckily, one of the best new restaurants in Boston is about a block away. As more and more young professionals make their way out of the South End and into Southie, Lincoln has quickly become the go-to haunt for “new Southie.” Though the place really gets goin’ on Friday and Saturday nights, Sundays offer up a slightly more low key place to unwind before the work week. (Or, in this case, cap off a long, meandering day of eating and drinking your way through the neighborhood.) The menu has a little something for everyone whether you’re the mood for something fancy and filling (i.e., the oven braised short ribs with a side of truffle mac and cheese) or down for something simple and satisfying like wood-fired margherita pizza.


A simple and delicious take on Margherita Pizza.

Plus, the bar is stocked with a fairly wide assortment of beers either on tap or in a bottle, making it the perfect place to wrap up a lazy man’s day out in Southie.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s much more to do in Southie than simply eating and drinking. But, I’ll leave that to my colleagues. But, if you’re looking to really earn those gym days during your next work week, take a trip through my South Boston itinerary. Once again, you’ll thank me later.