

Speaking of Allston/Brighton, what’s the first thing that came to your mind? The old apartments filled with drunk college students, or the fucking B line that you have to squeeze yourself like the sardine in a can just to get in? Damn right, that’s what I experience every day as a Allston/Brighton resident. But seriously, there’s the quiet and relax side of Allston/Brighton that I am going to show you. When I am exploring a city that I have no knowledge about, I like to hop on a subway or a bus and get off whenever I feel like, I will do the same for my trip to Brighton. Make sure you have a daily T-pass, or you are in for some serious walking.

1. Late Morning: Lunch at Seoul Soulongtang @ Harvard Avenue
2. Afternoon: Jogging at Chestnut Hill Reservoir/Visit of Historic Boston College Campus @ Chestnut Hill Avenue
3. Evening: Dinner at Ittoku @ Warren Street

First Stop: Harvard Avenue

Harvard Avenue is at the heart of Allston/Brighton area. There are more than four thousand people hopping on and off the T in the Harvard Avenue station daily. There are also tons of restaurants in the area that creates the magnetic power to attract me here every week. According to my unofficial research (i.e. Counting), there are at least 50 restaurants in the walking distance of the Harvard Avenue Station, so there must be something you are craving for. Too many selections? Make up your mind already! No? Fine, I will give you a recommendation.

Seoul Soulongtang is one of the many Korean restaurants in the area, but it’s also one of the few that I would actually go back to after dining there once. Soulongtang is the Korean ox bones soup, so it’s pretty obvious soup is the signature dish of this place. For those who are allergic to options, this place is perfect for you. You choose one of the soups you want, tag on an entrée if you are hungry, then you are done! I always have their Galbitong and LA Galbi (BBQ short ribs) combo. As an Asian who always has soup before a meal, I really like the smooth taste of the soup. It’s so comforting that I feel like it resembles the soup my Mom makes for me. However, don’t forget to put salt, pepper, and scallion in the soup as they intentionally left them off so that you can customize the flavor of your soup. Their Galbi is awesome too as they are perfectly done and juicy. Every time when I finish my meal here I feel super satisfied, not only because of the high quality of food I just consumed, but also for the low price I pay for ($30ish for two).

Galbitong from Seoul Soulongtant

Galbitong from Seoul Soulongtant

If you are an Aerosmith fan, you can stroll to 1325 Commonwealth Ave, the birthplace of their first song. In 2012, Aerosmith held an outdoor concert in front of their old apartment, which drew a big crowd to the area. You can be here to be inspired, and dream about being the next Steven Tyler or Joe Perry.

Second Stop: Chestnut Hill Avenue/Boston College

Now you are full and satisfied, it’s time to hop on the train again and make it to the next stop, Chestnut Hill Avenue. You can find the historic Chestnut Hill Reservoir in the area. I know, I know it’s freezing now, but if you are an advocate of a healthy style like me, this is a great place for you. There’s a 1.56 mile jogging loop surrounding the reservoir. In here, you don’t have to avoid all the pedestrians, stop for traffic night, or inhale all the unpleasant smell while running, just enjoy the relaxed scenic view of the reservoir. If that’s not enough, you can make your way to the nearby Boston College campus. BC is an intriguing place for you to visit if you are interested in architecture and history, as the BC main campus was added to the National Register of Historic Places. (As a BU student, it pains me to write good things about our arch rival in BC, so I just stop here before I become a hater and ruin the itinerary, you can explore the campus as you make your way there).

Beautiful Chestnut Hill Reservoir covered with snow

Beautiful Chestnut Hill Reservoir covered with snow

Third Stop: Warren Street

After an afternoon of walking/jogging, I bet you are hungry again. As you make your way back to the city, make a stop at Warren Street for a restaurant called Izakaya Ittoku. To help you better understand, izakaya is equivalent to a bar that Japanese would go to for Happy Hour after work. It serves sake (in Japan) and other exotic alcoholic drinks (in US), accompany with delicious food (grill meat!!!) I have been to a couple izakayas in NYC and really loved it so I am ecstatic when Ittoku opened as the first izakaya in Boston last November. Ittoku has a relatively large menu as it offers many selections that you will normally find in a Japanese restaurant. Of course you can order the usual suspects with the likes of sushi, sashimi, or ramen, but as an adventurer, I am a big fan of the Yakitori (grill meat) since not many restaurants in Boston have it. Drinking the warm sake, while enjoying the grilled meat melt in your mouth, that’s the perfect way to end your day in Allston/Brighton.

Yakitori in Ittoku, yum!

Yakitori in Ittoku, yum!

What? I can’t believe you don’t have enough fun following my itinerary. Oh, my itinerary is too healthy for you, and you didn’t have enough alcohol, just like you will find in James’ itinerary? Okay, I will leave that to my colleagues so that they can introduce awesome bars in the area. But hey, this is Allston/Brighton, a diverse neighborhood with a lot of hidden gems. You will definitely be able to find one itinerary that suits your style.

Dennis Gao – Born and raised in China, I offered perspectives blended with my Asian root. I enjoy any unknown adventure, whether it means trying new restaurants, meeting strangers, or wandering in to undiscovered neighborhood of the city. I am too laid back to follow a plan and will rather allow my feeling to dictate what I would do on any given day.