
Charlestown: Cops, Robbers, Beer, Boats and Historic Pub Food

Well, it’s been a minute since I took you on a trip through Boston. I’d apologize, but my friends have done a pretty great job in my absence. And while they’ve been doing that, I’ve been… well… busy with other things.

(Not really me. But! Like… it might as well be. So… yeah.)

Yes. My back pretty much went on strike for a few weeks. But, now that I’m up and around, I’m ready to put on my (soft-souled, back-protecting, shock-absorbing) tour guide shoes and hit up an area that’s not technically Boston but deserves a shout out here at BP6.

Today, we’re goin’ to Charlestown.


Morning: Sleep In
Noon: Lunch at Warren Tavern
Afternoon: Historical stuff at USS Constitution
Evening: Dinner at Papagayo
Late Night: Drinks at Tavern at the End of the World

Now, a lot of people know Charlestown from that Ben Affleck movie with Gossip Girl and those bank robbing nuns who get chased around by Don Draper.

(Some nuns use a ruler, others use an assault rifle with a silencer.)

(If all FBI agents looked like Jon Hamm, I’d probably rob a lot of banks just to get his attention.)

But, these days, Charlestown is less of a crime den and more of a family-friendly destination where you can get a lot of history and some of the best pub food on the planet.

Just because I’m me and I do what I do, morning’s are still reserved for my bed and – eventually – a short amble over to Dunkin’ for my morning coffee. But, once I’m up and around, our first stop is lunch at Warren Tavern.

Now, the place offers up a whole bunch of historical stuff about the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Bunker Hill. But, for this slothful oaf, that’s just background noise. The real story here is the beer and the food.


As I said earlier, if you’re looking for great pub food and that perfect blend of dive bar and sit-down restaurant, this is your place. Stick around for a bit and have your fill of the local beers on tap.

(Pull up to the bar and drink your way through history.)

Once your belly’s full and your buzz is on, it’s time to walk it off. And, as the weather warms up, Charlestown is the perfect place to soak up the sun as you stroll over to another bit of history, the USS Constitution.


But, I’m going to be honest. While it is a sight to behold and you’ll definitely want to take a few photos for facebook and Instagram, I’m basically just using this as a pit stop between meals. So, once you’ve proven to your social network that you do sometimes do history-ish, learning kinda things, it’s time to grab dinner. And, after a day spent time traveling through Boston’s history, it’s time to leap straight into modernity at Papagayo.

Yeah, a Mexican restaurant may seem like a strange pick for a walking guide of Charlestown. But, when it comes to night life around this part of Boston, it’s the place everybody’s talking about. And going to. (Word to the wise: Get a reservation before you head over.) The food is out of this world. But, what they’re most famous for are their margaritas. Now, I’m not a huge fan of tequila (one bad experience in college = permanent place on my drinking shit list) but even I can tell these things are fantastic.

(Sorry. I drank it all before I remembered to get a picture. So, I ordered another one … and forgot again. Rinse. Repeat.)

And, once you’ve got your taste for the strong stuff, it just won’t feel right if you call it a night too soon. So, why not head over the perfect final destination for our trip: the Tavern at the End of the World.
(Note: The end of the world is kinda dimly lit.)

So, after a quick side trip to Mexico, we’re right back in true, Irish-Irish Charlestown at a bar that simultaneously feels intimate and open to everyone. Check out their beer selection and be sure to bring a designated driver because it’s one of the only place in Charlestown (or anywhere in Boston) that offers free parking to its customers.

And that’s my trip through one of the truly best kept secrets in Boston. Having just gone through a torturously long and brutal winter, we’re due for a bright, sunny summer. And once it finally shows up, do yourself a favor and take a trip through my itinerary.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my back is killing me…

My work week is scheduled down to the second – from sun-up to way after sundown. If I’m not at work or in class, I’m sneaking in some time at the gym. So, I make sure my weekends are shot on structure and long on leisure. Whether it’s grabbing last minute tickets to a standing room only show at the Middle East or just hanging out at a great, undiscovered bar, I’ll show you how to kick back and relax all over the city.

#trivia #music #LGBT #film #awesomebar

CHARLESTOWN : Beyond the Freedom Trail

Hey guys, Maggie here!  I’m very excited to have my first official itinerary for Boston Party of 6. I live in Charlestown here in Boston and while its a small part of town there is more than enough to do to keep anyone entertained. I love a day that is active, paired with some light to not so light day drinking.  If you are nodding your head right now … I think you are going enjoy what I have planned!


1. Morning : Navy Yard and brunch at Pier 6
2. Afternoon : Bunker Hill Monument and Warren Tavern
3. Evening : Figs then drinks at Sullivan’s

If you know anything about Charlestown you probably know it’s had its fifteen minutes of fame recently in the movie, The Town.  There is a lot of talk in the movie about a “Toonie” or a “Townie.” I am, for better or worse, a Toonie. For lack of a better description its Charlestown’s version of a yuppie. The yuppies have definitely come to Charlestown. We now now have a Whole Foods, a yoga studio, and even a group of trendy coffee shops. I like to spend my time in Charlestown combining both the old and the new traditions which exist in our historic town.

How to Get Here: By public transportation? Orange Line to Bunker Hill Community College or  92/93 Bus.

Morning : 

A separate area of Charlestown altogether, The Navy Yard is home to the US Constitution and many new waterfront homes.  The city of Boston has put in a harbor walk which has made its way to Charlestown and is a lovely oceanside walk with an excellent view of downtown Boston. The walk takes about 20 to 30 minutes depending on how much time you take and covers many parts of the freedom trail.


After you finish taking in the fresh air you can stop in for brunch.


Over the summer a popular waterfront bar was revamped into what is now Pier 6. The interior was not the only thing given a facelift, as the menu is now filled with delicious and inventive dishes.


Currently it is my favorite place to eat in Charlestown. Brunch is the best here. The prices are reasonable with a great mix of breakfast and lunch items. The real selling point is the Bellini bucket. For under 25 dollars you get four splits of champagne in a bucket and two fruit purees to mix them with. It makes any brunch an event.



After a few drinks at brunch you are going to need to work up an appetite, so its off to Bunker Hill you go! The walk from Pier 6 to Bunker Hill will lead you throw the historic neighborhood of Charlestown where I especially like, called the Gas Lamp. I often refer to it as a movie set as often the architecture can transport you back in time.


At 200 feet tall Bunker Hill Monument stands on the top of Bunker Hill and is the symbol of the revolution. During the day you can visit the monument and walk all the way to the top! Come on, its time to work those quads and earn your beers!


After you walk up Bunker Hill its time to visit Warren Tavern. Founded in 1780, this rumored watering hole of Paul Revere and other revolutionaries is a cozy local favorite. Now-a-days I think it is best known for a place to hide during snow storms or try to meet Mr. Right or Mr. Right now on Thursday night.

With many bar tables and a long bar its a great place to rest your legs and plot out the rest over your day over a cold pint.


Dinner: The great part about Charlestown is that everything is located within half a mile of everything else. About five doors down from Warren Tavern you will find Figs. Figs is a Todd English restaurant. While we know Todd may not be the most popular guy around here in Boston these days, he still can manage to throw together a damn good pizza place. One of Charlestown’s more high end restaurants, Figs is still priced very reasonably. You can split a tray of pizza and a bottle of wine without breaking the bank. There is almost always a table available but the atmosphere remains lively and inviting.

At this point if you haven’t had to unbutton your pants from all the food you have had, its time to go next door (I said things were close to each other!) and have a couple beers at Sullivan’s. This place is the closest you are going to get to experiencing where the locals drink. The bartenders are from Charlestown and the people drinking here are as well. Enjoy a few beers, maybe pick a couple songs on the juke box (try not to play Miley) and get home safely!

What did you think of my take on Charlestown? Do you think it can live up to Diana’s DOT?

Until next time !!! Signing off
Maggie – My perfect day in Boston involves finding a new place with a little bit of known to it . I love to eat natural whole foods. My goal is to stay active and burn off last nights wine and cheese plate. #fitfluential #zen  #workhardplayhard #eatclean #naturalwinemovement #travelsavvy