Dorchester: Adventures in “The Dot”

Yes, I know Dorchester sometimes has a bad rap. I was born in Dorchester and moved when I was five to Braintree, but you can’t help but embrace the hidden gems of “The Dot.” My itinerary will keep you on the move, visiting some of Dorchester’s finest bars, restaurants and places to enjoy yourself, just make sure you bring your street smarts with you.

1. Morning: Ledge Kitchen & Drinks
2. Late Morning: Franklin Park Zoo (weather permitting)
3. Afternoon: Boston Bowl
4. Evening: Blarney Stone

One of the up and coming areas of Dorchester is “Lower Mills.” I would be amiss if I did not give a quick shout out to my hair dresser, Karen, at Curl up & Dye in Lower Mills somewhere in this blog post. Located just steps away from the salon is one of my favorite restaurants in Dorchester, The Ledge Kitchen & Drinks. I try to spend as much of my time outdoors, however, the winter has put a damper on things. But when spring arrives and the sun is shining, The Ledge’s outdoor area is something you must experience. When you enter their outdoor bar area you immediately forget you are in Dorchester and the police and ambulance sirens seem to disappear. It is a great place to go for brunch. Their Sunday Jazz Brunch is amazing. It is a great way to unwind and prepare for the dreaded work week. Also, many people do not know and would not expect, but The Ledge maintains its own rooftop garden full of fresh herbs and vegetables used in their menu. So grab a bloody at the build your own bloody bar and the cornflake crusted french toast to soak up the booze.

Delicious Bloody Mary at The Ledge

Delicious Bloody Mary at The Ledge

Now a little Boston history…Boston has been fortunate to host many movie sets over the last 10+ years. Many people may not know, but the Zookeeper with Kevin James was filmed at the Franklin Park Zoo. In addition, Ben Affleck’s famous, Gone Baby Gone was filmed in the streets of Dorchester. Many extras in the movie were Dorchester’s own “townies.” Mystic River was also filmed in Dorchester. Now, if the weather was about 40 degrees warmer, I would suggest a visit to the Franklin Park Zoo. So save this activity in your back pocket for when spring arrives and time can be spent outdoors.

Once afternoon hits, you may be getting hungry, need a drink and some competitive activity to get the blood moving, so I suggest visiting Boston Bowl. Many people, even my family that grew up in Dorchester, did not know that Boston Bowl is a 24/7 bowling alley! Yes, it’s open 24 hours a day, I kid you not. Sooo if you feel like bowling at 3 A.M. or 3 P.M., or 3 P.M. – 3 A.M., YOU CAN! And to sweeten the deal, Boston Bowl has its own brewery and café, Deadwood Café and Brewery, nestled conveniently next to the bowling alleys. The beer selection is somewhat limited but it does the trick and if you are hungry they have your basic chicken fingers and french fries that I myself will never outgrow. If you are one that enjoys a brew while cranking out strikes, this is your place. I would suggest going around 6-8 PM when the children are not running around screaming at birthday parties. Don’t forget your free, Boston Bowl logo socks when you are leave, you paid for those gems!

Deadwood Cafe & Brewery

Deadwood Cafe & Brewery

4th place..woo!!

4th place..woo!!

After dominating in bowling, you will most likely be ready for a good meal in a comfortable atmosphere. I would suggest you visit the Blarney Stone. This bar is located on Dorchester’s infamous “Dot Ave.” A street that does not lack in the watering hole department. My personal menu favorites are the coconut calamari to start, the grilled salmon fillet as an entree and paired with a glass of wine. The Blarney Stone hosts trivia on Wednesday nights so if you don’t catch it this time, make sure to come back to test your random knowledge.

Now don’t let the Blarney Stone be your last stop for the day. Definitely feel free to explore more of Dot Ave’s other fine establishments, The Banshee, The Harp & Bard, Tom English Bar, Peggy O’Neils, etc., many of which host live music and serve delicious pints. And if you get ambitious as you make your way down Dot Ave, you will eventually enter South Boston where you can explore one of the locations on James’ itinerary. The only thing I would suggest, don’t visit this area solo. I am not responsible for your safety at this point.
Blarney Stone


Diana’s Bio:
I enjoy spending as much time outside as possible even if that means finding a bar with a roof deck. I am always up for a challenge, whether it’s hiking a mountain, bowling or singing karaoke in front of complete strangers, I will do it. As long as the day involves a glass of wine, family or friends and a good laugh at the end of it, it’s alright in my book.


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